This course will help you

Do you suspect that your current job isn’t the “right” job for you?

Asking yourself….

Am I on the right path?
What’s my next move?
How do I get promoted?
How do I get unstuck?

If you’re struggling with these kinds of career questions, you’re not alone. Recent studies show that 79% of women and 62% of men are experiencing a lack of confidence in the workplace*. That’s exactly why I created this course.

*Source: ResumeLab

Whether striving for a promotion, considering a job change, wanting to find more meaning in your work, or needing to improve your overall career well-being, this course was designed for you.

Get clear before you make your next move

This course is for employees who:

  • Feel like they are inadequately prepared to make their next big career move. 
  • Doubt their abilities and feel like frauds, especially in comparison to their peers.
  • Lack the direction to make their next professional leap. 
  • Struggle with meeting their own unrealistic expectations, and feel lost and disillusioned with their career path. 
  • Need a confidence boost to elicit their next big Aha! Moment in their career.

If this sounds like you, it’s time to revolutionize your career—on your terms.

In this program, I’ll guide you through my career acceleration formula so you can:

Articulate the work activities that bring you the most energy (or drain you).

Identify your top 5 personal values to align with future career decisions.

Create a vision of what ultimate success looks like to you.

Uncover career-limiting blind spots that could derail your progress.

Identify purposeful opportunities for growth.

Prepare for career conversations with those who have the power to support.

Meet your facilitator Christine DiDonato

Christine DiDonato is an author, innovator, facilitator, and former talent management executive. 

After working as a Talent Management Executive at Sony, Christine re-focused her passion and research on the next generation of leaders. 

Christine works with clients like Pfizer, Adobe, Hulu, and Sony to move beyond theory and academics. With her AccelerateME Program, participants learned exactly how to put tangible solutions in place and overcome the challenges of today’s workforce.

After years of facilitating corporate courses, Christine wanted to help today’s workforce on an individual level. 

Unlike AccelerateME, this self-paced course can be completed on an individual basis. Put yourself in the driver’s seat of your career. We saved a spot.

Participant experiences

Revolutionize Your Career Program

The program is comprised of the following courses:

Assess your career situation

Alleviate wasted time and energy by assessing your current career situation in real terms and making a plan for purposeful change.

Discover what drives you

Learn to navigate your current career based on work that energizes you and make career decisions that are aligned with what you value most in life.

Uncover career derailers

Through a powerful assessment process, including an optional 360-degree feedback tool, you will uncover any career-limiting blind spots.

What’s included in this program:

Full program for:


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